Matica S3200HD Financial Retransfer Printer

Product number: S3200HD Vendor: Matica Corporation

Matica S3200HD is a desktop retransfer printer for financial flat card issuance. Capable of personalizing up to 80 cards per hour, this easy-to-use printer was specifically developed for instant financial card issuance.

The S3200HD is ultra-high resolution allows printing crisp, tiny characters, down to a character size of 1,3pt allowing real microtext. Electronic fine-line printing and other sophisticated graphical elements can be printed in exciting, nearly equal to preprinting quality, adding an extra level of visual security to the financial card.

Capable of producing an EMV-compliant magnetic stripe, contact chip and contactless RFID cards, the S3200HD also includes the 'Matica Security Pack' – a comprehensive set of security features that fulfill financial card personalization.

It is fully compliant with international regulations around physical and logical security for financial issuance.

Key Strengths

  • 600 x 600 dpi
  • Automatic and Exception feeder, concealed hopper, reject tray
  • Mag ISO and Contact/Contactless chip encoding
  • Single-wire connectivity
  • Superior print quality and reliability

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    Matica S3200hd 0417g 916 kb

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