Schlage 125 kHz Proximity Credentials
Schlageproximity credentialsare an excellent solution for facilities with less demanding security needs. Schlage proximity credentials are a cost effective solution, and are able to interface with many industry leading proximity readers.

Schlage 13.56 MHz Smart Credentials
Ideal for facilities with moderate to high security needs, Schlagesmart credentialsput you in control by delivering smarter solutions. Through the use of either MIFARE® or MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 technology, these credentials protect your most sensitive data by utilizing extra layers of security protection.

Schlage Multi-Technology Credentials
Schlagemulti-technology credentialsare extremely flexible. Particularly useful during a transition from proximity technology to smart technology, these cards can be read by both proximity readers and smart readers. This allows customers to economically migrate to the latest smart technology at their own pace. |